Ken Schwartzman's background is not in Fine Arts. He spent his career as a performing musician and Music director, and holds a Bachelor of Music degree (Juilliard School), a Master's in Humanities (Aldephi University), and a P.D. in Educational Administration (Long Island University).
However, since his late teens, a camera has been his constant companion. The enhanced ability to see what the camera brings to people, places, and things has been a lifelong attraction.
Many of his photographs, done purely as an avocation, have for many years appeared in dancers' and models' portfolios, and on their websites. Other works are in private collections.
Ken does not do any "post-production" to his images, although a few elements of "pre-production" are practiced: use of filters, camera conversions to black and white, sepia, etc.
Since relocating to Carlisle, PA, he has joined several local galleries and art learning centers. His work has been show at the Art Center in Mechanicsburg, CALC, and Lancaster County Arts Association, where he recently was awarded first prize in their juried members' show.
Contact him at: 516.456.3588 or Bassistkis@yahoo.com